Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Photo, courtesy of Christianne Taylor Photography

After a new debate about who knows what, Student A says to Student B, "And YOU thought Moses built the ark!" in an accusatory voice, as if to say, "I'm not trusting you for ANYTHING!"

One student noticed yesterday that I was wearing yummy-smelling lotion. He quickly sniffed me up and down and ran over to the other kids and said, "Go smell Miss Cunningham! She smells beautiful!"
December 2, 2009

"That way is NORTH (pointing to the north) and that way is SORTH (pointing to the south).

"Stop. You're interrupting me from thinking of the Jurassic Period."

The class' new favorite phrase is: "That's SO scientific!" Anything that sounds more formal or grown-up quickly becomes "SO scientific!"
December 3, 2009

"You know how to get smart? Get a BIG head!"

"Miss Cunningham, I'm doing something SO SCIENTIFIC- how noise travels."
December 4, 2009

I was sitting on the floor, reading with the kids and one of them tripped onto (not over) my leg. I said, "Ouch! That hurt me! Did it hurt you?" and he said, completely unscathed, "Ouch! That's a spelling word!"
December 10, 2009

After a lesson on how people who come to America from other countries are called immigrants, I asked if anyone in my class was one. Two raised their hands. I said, "But, you didn't come from another country." Then one responded, "But I have freckles!"
December 10, 2009

I was given a bracelet as a birthday gift from a student. I put it on the same wrist that had already been adorned with a hair tie. A student suggested, "Don't you think you should take THAT off?" (pointing to the hair tie), to which I responded, "Oh yes, I probably should remove this so that I don't distract from the beauty of the bracelet, right?" and he said, "No, it would just look a little WEIRD if you didn't."

After reading the Christmas story from a kid's
Bible, we saw this page, and answered the question: "How do you show
Jesus that you love Him?"

One student's answer, after looking at the
pictures on the page was, "Hold a heart at Him."
December 14, 2009

"I dug a hole and saw real dirt and water inside!"
December 14, 2009

While walking to class today, one student said, "I have spice in my pants."
December 16, 2009

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