Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Photo, courtesy of Christianne Taylor Photography

"I just burped out peanut butter and jelly!"
October 2, 2009

"I've been stung by a black jacket [meaning yellow jacket]."
"Once, a rhino ran me over."
October 5, 2009

After a guest speaker who was talking to us about germs asked the kids what sorts of things they touch during the school day, one student answered, in all sincerity, "Bird poop."
October 8, 2009

"I'm smoked" (this conversation went from explaining that being smoked means you're excited and very logically flowed into a discussion about how when you get older, smoke starts coming out of your ears).

"Did you know that sometimes when you step on my foot, it actually feels good?"
October 9, 2009

2 students played a different version of Rock-Paper-Scissors- the new rendition was Moses-Jesus-God, followed up by a debate on who would be the winner- Jesus or God? Conclusion? God, because Jesus is his son and Jesus DIED on the cross!

After discussing where you see American flags, one student answered, "You see TONS on the 4th of July," while another said, "I saw one...on...the 6th of OCTOBER!"
October 20, 2009

While trying to cram a book into our classroom library, he says with a strained voice, "Still no sign of victory!"
October 28, 2009

"Pray for my little brother. He has the flute."
October 29, 2009

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