Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Photo, courtesy of Christianne Taylor Photography

During Playtime, Student 1 schemed against Student 2, saying he was going to wreck Student 2's Lego ship when Student 2 was in the bathroom. Student 3 stepped in and said, "Remember the Bible story?" and continued on about how Esau shouldn't have wanted to kill Jacob, and how we should offer others grace, even when they have hurt our feelings/ruined our things.
November 2, 2009

After completing an entire page of reading with very little help, one student said, in a totally sincere voice, "Thank you Jesus! THANK YOU JESUS!" Then, another student asked, "How can I read like you?" (or something of that sort) and the first student responded, "Just pray that Jesus will help you!"
November 12, 2009

"I jumped OVER my shadow!"

(in a cool gangster, rap voice) "My name is Joe and I live in Tokyo, in the SNOW!"
November 13, 2009

After asking the kids what color they would like to change our caterpillar number line to, one answered, "Elizabeth?" and another, "Tyrannosaurus?"
November 16, 2009

After asking the kids, "When do you like to sing?" one answered, "Umm.....at ...noon."
November 16, 2009

Smallest student in the class is playing Star Wars with other kids on the playground and says, "DARTH VADER WILL DIE!!!!!" (then blows a dandelion most forcefully).
November 17, 2009

After asking the kids to take out their workbooks, two of them said, "And what page madam?"
November 18, 2009

"Do you want to read the Bible? It helps you get stronger and wiser."

"Can I clean out my desk? It's a WRECK!"

Student 1: "Moses built the ark, "
Student 2: "No, Noah did!"
Student 1: "Miss Cunningham- didn't Moses build the ark?"
Me: "No, Noah did. That's why it's called ...Noah's Ark."
Student 3: "Oh, I thought it was Michelangelo!"
November 20, 2009

(Referring to our number line, which is a "caterpillar" made from pieces of circular construction paper) "What should we name it? A he or a she?"
November 21, 2009

After a particular student finished asking how to spell Tyrannosaurus Rex, I told him he could just write T-Rex, and he said, "But Tyrannosaurus sounds SOOOOO scientific!"
November 23, 2009

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