Sunday, February 6, 2011

February 2011

February 2
"I'm allergic to spiders. If they touch me, I grow six legs."

February 3
"Miss Cunningham, are you wondering why I have a band aid on BOTH of my knees?"
"Yes, I was wondering that."
"Well, this one is from tomorrow and this one is from today...."

February 14
One student asked me where I put their valentine holders, and before I could answer, another student answered with, " this lonely world."

February 23
A student asked me first thing this morning:
"Are we doing anything fun today?"
My response: "Of course! Every day is fun!"
Her response: "No, but I mean are we doing anything like....Social Studies.....Science projects.....circus tickets....?"

February 24
I was telling the kids to keep an ear out for our fire alarm, since we were going to be having a drill today and one student said, "But if I keep my ear out, my head won't be balanced!"

February 28
After doing a lesson on communicating history through storytelling, I asked my students to imagine themselves being 80 and answering this question: What was first grade like when you were in school? One student said, "I would say, 'It was the awesomest thing EVER!'"

January 2011

January 3
When some students asked how to play Hi Ho Cherrio during Playtime today, I told them to try reading the directions. They said they couldn't because the directions were too skinny..."as skinny as an apple."

January 4
"I have one question for you.....can we have a staring contest?"

January 6
After explaining to me that they'd been digging for worms during lunch, one student said, "We started a worm daycare!"

January 11
When I told a student to put a project she'd made out of construction paper into her backpack, she said, "But, I don't want it to get rumbled!"

January 13
Two students were discussing amazing facts with each other and one said, "Do you know what my mom told me when we were in Italy? She said that the buildings in Italy were created even BEFORE God created US!" (Keep in mind, I teach FIRST graders!)

January 14
After singing a song with my class that I created a melody for, one student said, "You should put your song on the radio!"

January 18
"My back is hot enough to roast meat on it!"

January 19
"Why can't all birds be potty trained?"

January 20
"When I grow up I want to be a penguin," followed by, "When you grow up, you HAVE TO BE A HUMAN!"

January 25
When one student asked for a spoon to eat her fruit cup with and all I had to offer was a fork, she looked at me like I was crazy, and said, "A fork?" Then another student said, "Yeah, just stab it like a dead chicken!" (This could quite possibly be my favorite quote from this school year!)

January 28
A student said she was going to blow my whistle and have everyone line up, because we were going to go. I asked her where we would go, and she said, "To the circus!" Then another teacher asked her how we would get there, and she said, "We'll hover."

January 31
A student came to ask to be excused for recess and he said, "Thank you Jes....OOPS! I was starting to say my prayer! Sometimes I just get SO MESSED UP!"

December 2010

December 2
"What's your favorite word? Mine's skadoosh!" After asking a student to help me remember to pick something up later in the day, she said, "Okay. It's [the thing I'm supposed to remember] a dog on a leash and it's not going anywhere! I'm going to remember!"

December 3
(Out of nowhere) "Can you make me some fudge?"

December 6
"I don't think I can read this whole page. I get a lot of spit in my mouth."

December 7
"Miss Cunningham, how old are you going to be tomorrow?" I said, "28," and she responded with, "OOOOOOOooooohhhh!" (Not sure what that meant, but it cracked me up!)

December 9
Kid quote comes in the form of a photo today:

December 10
After passing by a dead bird for the fifth or sixth time in a row, one student said, "There's a dead bird!" (as if they hadn't seen it before) and another student said, "Yep! It's dead again!"

December 11
A student prayed this prayer, "...and please be with the people in different worlds and help them get good sleep since it's nighttime there right now."

December 13
"Do you know what the best gift to give someone for Christmas is, Miss Cunningham?"
"Whose love?"
"Jesus' love."
"That's right! I'm so glad you know that! You know that deep down inside your heart, don't you?"
"Yep!....I know it BY heart!"

December 14
Student: "Miss Cunningham, what will I do if I get hot [while I'm up on stage, practicing for the Christmas Program]?"
Me: (chuckling) "You can take off your jacket."
Student: (shakes his head) "No. I'm never going to get hot."

December 15
During Christmas practice, while some of the teachers were busy fussing over where kids should stand, etc. one of my students turned to me and whispered, "This sure doesn't seem like a performance! They're not SINGING!"

December 16
One student told me that she'd been bit by a cat, but that it was okay because it didn't have rabies. Another student overheard this comment and told me, "I know how to tell if an animal has rabies. If it has no white on it and it has red eyes."

November 2010

November 2
Two students were discussing ghosts and if they were real or make believe. One student said, "Ghosts aren't real," and the other replied, "I believe in different things than you do. Like, I believe in walking trees..."

November 10
My students were talking this morning about why we have the day off tomorrow and one said, "Because it's Veterinarian's Day!" Don't worry- we did a lesson later this afternoon and they learned the real reason. :)

November 15
One student was finishing up a turkey writing project and it was time to move on to a new activity, so I told him he could finish after Snack. He asked why he couldn't finish it during Snack, and I said, "Because it could get food on it, or blow away, or get a drink spilled on it, or...." and another student finished my sentence with, "grow hair."

November 16
When Playtime started, a student picked up a googly eye and said to me, "Please put this on your forehead."

November 18
"Can you think of a meat eater that has a long neck?"

November 22
Kid quote came today while reading about the First Thanksgiving. I read all of the different things that were included in the meal and that the feast lasted 3 days. One student said, "I wanna go THERE!"

November 23
"That's what I tell my children all the time." Remember these quotes come from 6/7 year olds! :)

November 29
(student screaming) "I LOVE YOU LADY GAGA!" and after one student said in a discussion about ice cream, "Your ice cream cone would melt," another replied with, "No, your CONE wouldn't melt. Your ICE CREAM would."

October 2010

October 4
"I'm a temporary fairy!"

October 5
Coming from my student who was a temporary fairy yesterday..."I'm a permanent fairy." I asked, "What does a permanent fairy do?"
Response: "Takes the princess to the ball."

October 6
"Miss Cunningham, are you EVER going to get married?" followed by, "I hope we all [all the first graders] get to be in your wedding."

October 7
We all sit down at the rug, I'm ready to start Bible, and a student raises his hand and says, "Do you have some bacon?"

October 8
"I want to go camping and take my dad's sword. [Then I could fight a bear]......I think I'd win."

October 12
After passing out Phonics flashcards for the kids to read during our reading group, I was being silly after they had read them, and said, "Okay, give me your cards back. Gimme, gimme, gimme!" and one of the students said, "What?! You need to use your manners!"

October 13
I went to a seminar today and had to leave work early for it, so I told the kids that I was going to a meeting that would teach me how to be a good teacher. They said, "But you're already a good teacher!" and I said, "Thank you! But, I want to be an even BETTER teacher than I already am," and one student said, "But you're already a better teacher than you already are!"

October 14
a student said he wants to go back to the dentist, have teeth pulled to get more money from the Tooth Fairy, and buy a video game. When I said, "By the time you get enough money from the Tooth Fairy, you're not gonna have any teeth left to chew with!" he responded with this, after thinking quietly for a few seconds: "I have a better plan. I'll wait for Santa to bring me the video game."

October 18
During playtime at the end of our day, a few girls were pretending to teach reading groups at the back table of our classroom. One called over to me, "We're doing Reading Groups without you Miss Cunningham, and it's not going WELL!"

October 21
When one child asked, "Why aren't we doing page (enter page number here)?" another answered in a very high pitched, proper-sounding voice, "Because we've already done that page, darling!"

October 25
One student said, "My dad is coming home [from a business trip] today!" and his sister replied, "MINE, TOO!"

October 28
kid quote came today, when I was holding an ice pack that had the words, "Freez Pak" printed on it. A student said, "Miss Cunningham, I don't think freeze is spelled right." I said, "No, it's fact, neither is pack, huh?" and she said, "No! Then why did you buy it?"

September 2010

September 8
We started reading out of our Social Studies books today and while thumbing through the pages, a student saw a photo of the Lincoln Memorial, and was all excited about it. I asked him if he knew who it was and he said, "Yeah! Umm....that guy....that lives in the penny!"

September 9
I was reminding the kids that tomorrow is Picture Day and that they can wear Free Dress. One student said, "I'm going to be clean for my picture tomorrow. I'm going to take a shower in the morning!"

September 10
I was excusing kids to get their backpacks and line up outside today and dismissed the last group by saying, "If you got a perfect score on your spelling test today, you may go get your backpacks and line up," and one girl said, "Awww...Miss're sweet!" Earlier in the day, I got this one: "I want to be your mom!"

September 13
I asked each individual student to tell me about a time when they were helpful/how they are helpful. One student raised her hand and said, "Well, [I'm helpful at] pretty much everything." Fortunately, this was a true statement! ;)

September 14
I handed out "Cunningham Cash" today for stellar behavior, which consists of a 1-dollar bill that's been tampered with, to include my photo in the middle. A female student said, "I know who goes on the picture part of these bills....the president's wives!"

September 15
"My pencil vanished!"

September 16
I was telling my students that I'm going to the Bay Area to celebrate my dad's 60th birthday this weekend, and one of the girls raised her hand and said, "You could bring us back some cake!" I told her that by the time I got back, it would probably be dried up and gross, and she said, with a wrinkly nose and distraught facial expression, "But I WANT cake!"

I asked a student if he would come up to the board and mark long and short vowels in a few words I had written. He responded with, "Yes, I shall."

September 20
Bob (a scarecrow we made for our garden) was sent home with one of my students today so her dad could build a contraption to hang him on. The other students became jealous that it was going to be a sleepover playdate. She responded to their woes by saying, "He's not going to sleep in my room! He's going to sleep in the garage...on top of my mom's car!"

September 21
While we were doing Reading Groups, a bug dropped onto a boy's book while he was in the middle of reading aloud. He suddenly had a shocked look on his face and said, "Huh?" and pointed to it. I told him to flick it away, but he chose to gently pick it up and say, quite tenderly, "Awww....poor little guy! Come here," and take it outside. Very kind. Very sweet.

September 22
When a student saw a seagull up on top of the cross today, she said, "That seagull must really love Jesus!" and later, another girl came up to me, showed me her snack and said, "My humble pickle!" I asked her why it was humble. She said, "I don't know...because it sits still all day."

September 23
One student was pretending to eat another student's arm and said, "Mmm! You taste like pickles!"

September 24
While heading to the Apple Farm for our field trip, we were driving on a back country highway, and one student mentioned that it would not be fun to live that far from town, and another said, "Yeah, you'd have to pack a snack and 3 bananas!"

September 27
I had tubes full of water for a science experiment, and a student came up to me and we had the following conversation:
Student: "What's in that water?"
Me: "It's just water."
Student: "No, but what's INSIDE the water?"
Me: "Just more water."
...Student: "Maybe we should get a magnifying glass and investigate it."
Me: "Oh, so we can see each hydrogen molecule inside?"
Student: "HUH?"

September 28
"What happened when it was someone's birthday on Noah's Ark?" and "My mom said we needed a lot of fans in our house because it's SOAKING [smoking] hot!"

August 2010

August 22
I went to a Back to School BBQ for work tonight and one of my previous students said, "You need to marry someone who is handsome and beautiful.... someone that adores you."

August 23
First day of school: "Do we HAVE to leave? I just wanna stay here forever."

August 25
While supervising kids who stayed late today, I was teaching some of them our rule about leaving guns at home (pretend ones, of course), but that it was okay to use a list of other things. One child responded, "Yeah, we shouldn't play with guns...Also, we shouldn't play cactus either...cause they're really ...pokey."

August 26
While supervising the kids who stayed late again today, one student was reading an animal book and was playing teacher. I became the student and he asked me, "What's the name of this yellow and black animal?" pointing to a frog. I said, "A bumblebee frog." He said, "Wrong answer. Try again...Okay, I'll give you a hint: it doesn't wear any clothes." Do real frogs wear clothes these days?? :)

August 30
I was talking about my oldest brother who is a firefighter, and one of my students said, "You have a brother that's older than you? WOW! HE must be REALLY old!" :)

August 31
My class this year asks some interesting questions, so here's one to share: "Who made vowels?" Research project for tonight....