Sunday, February 6, 2011

December 2010

December 2
"What's your favorite word? Mine's skadoosh!" After asking a student to help me remember to pick something up later in the day, she said, "Okay. It's [the thing I'm supposed to remember] a dog on a leash and it's not going anywhere! I'm going to remember!"

December 3
(Out of nowhere) "Can you make me some fudge?"

December 6
"I don't think I can read this whole page. I get a lot of spit in my mouth."

December 7
"Miss Cunningham, how old are you going to be tomorrow?" I said, "28," and she responded with, "OOOOOOOooooohhhh!" (Not sure what that meant, but it cracked me up!)

December 9
Kid quote comes in the form of a photo today:

December 10
After passing by a dead bird for the fifth or sixth time in a row, one student said, "There's a dead bird!" (as if they hadn't seen it before) and another student said, "Yep! It's dead again!"

December 11
A student prayed this prayer, "...and please be with the people in different worlds and help them get good sleep since it's nighttime there right now."

December 13
"Do you know what the best gift to give someone for Christmas is, Miss Cunningham?"
"Whose love?"
"Jesus' love."
"That's right! I'm so glad you know that! You know that deep down inside your heart, don't you?"
"Yep!....I know it BY heart!"

December 14
Student: "Miss Cunningham, what will I do if I get hot [while I'm up on stage, practicing for the Christmas Program]?"
Me: (chuckling) "You can take off your jacket."
Student: (shakes his head) "No. I'm never going to get hot."

December 15
During Christmas practice, while some of the teachers were busy fussing over where kids should stand, etc. one of my students turned to me and whispered, "This sure doesn't seem like a performance! They're not SINGING!"

December 16
One student told me that she'd been bit by a cat, but that it was okay because it didn't have rabies. Another student overheard this comment and told me, "I know how to tell if an animal has rabies. If it has no white on it and it has red eyes."

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