Sunday, February 6, 2011

August 2010

August 22
I went to a Back to School BBQ for work tonight and one of my previous students said, "You need to marry someone who is handsome and beautiful.... someone that adores you."

August 23
First day of school: "Do we HAVE to leave? I just wanna stay here forever."

August 25
While supervising kids who stayed late today, I was teaching some of them our rule about leaving guns at home (pretend ones, of course), but that it was okay to use a list of other things. One child responded, "Yeah, we shouldn't play with guns...Also, we shouldn't play cactus either...cause they're really ...pokey."

August 26
While supervising the kids who stayed late again today, one student was reading an animal book and was playing teacher. I became the student and he asked me, "What's the name of this yellow and black animal?" pointing to a frog. I said, "A bumblebee frog." He said, "Wrong answer. Try again...Okay, I'll give you a hint: it doesn't wear any clothes." Do real frogs wear clothes these days?? :)

August 30
I was talking about my oldest brother who is a firefighter, and one of my students said, "You have a brother that's older than you? WOW! HE must be REALLY old!" :)

August 31
My class this year asks some interesting questions, so here's one to share: "Who made vowels?" Research project for tonight....

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