Sunday, February 6, 2011

November 2010

November 2
Two students were discussing ghosts and if they were real or make believe. One student said, "Ghosts aren't real," and the other replied, "I believe in different things than you do. Like, I believe in walking trees..."

November 10
My students were talking this morning about why we have the day off tomorrow and one said, "Because it's Veterinarian's Day!" Don't worry- we did a lesson later this afternoon and they learned the real reason. :)

November 15
One student was finishing up a turkey writing project and it was time to move on to a new activity, so I told him he could finish after Snack. He asked why he couldn't finish it during Snack, and I said, "Because it could get food on it, or blow away, or get a drink spilled on it, or...." and another student finished my sentence with, "grow hair."

November 16
When Playtime started, a student picked up a googly eye and said to me, "Please put this on your forehead."

November 18
"Can you think of a meat eater that has a long neck?"

November 22
Kid quote came today while reading about the First Thanksgiving. I read all of the different things that were included in the meal and that the feast lasted 3 days. One student said, "I wanna go THERE!"

November 23
"That's what I tell my children all the time." Remember these quotes come from 6/7 year olds! :)

November 29
(student screaming) "I LOVE YOU LADY GAGA!" and after one student said in a discussion about ice cream, "Your ice cream cone would melt," another replied with, "No, your CONE wouldn't melt. Your ICE CREAM would."

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